Yucca gloriosa Citrus Twist - Variegated

Product ref: S25116

Availability: Out of stock

Yucca gloriosa Citrus Twist, also known as the Adams Needle or Spanish Dagger, is a fantastic variety, boasting both fantastic colour, ease of growth and a strong constitution against winter cold and summer drought.

You'll find Citrus Twist to be one of the most striking you've seen, compact and slower growing than some varieties, the narrow, dark green leaves are edged with a wide band of creamy gold. The foliage colour holds well through all seasons and is highly decorative, and as an added bonus, being an evergreen, as temperatures fall later in the year the leaf margins take on an attractive pink hue.

In late spring, established plants are topped withtall stalks of white bell-shaped flowers that emerge from dramatic stems laden in pink buds - this is really something special to see, as they rise up from the architectural rosette of foliage. This yucca is a clumping kind, reaching around 60-80cms wide in time, so it is great for the small garden, a patio pot or even a gravel garden, thriving in a well drained spot, the sunnier the better. Strong plants supplied in 7.5 Litre containers.

