Blueberry Bush - Vaccinium corymbosum 'Darrow'

Product ref: F22304

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 9.99, today just 5.99 - Save £4!

Commonly known as ‘highbush blueberry’, this beautiful shrub produces light blue fruits after gorgeous displays of white flowers flushed with pink in the spring. The foliage is dark green, making the light flowers stand out nicely. After the summer fruiting, the foliage matures into orange red for some gorgeous autumn colour.


This plant will grow happily in loamy or sandy soil that is moist and well-drained. Growing in full sun will help it to produce an abundance of flowers and fruits, but it will also grow well in partial shade. Plant in a sheltered position.

Supplied in approx. 1 litre containers.

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 9.99, today just 5.99 - Save £4!

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