Thuja occidentalis Golden Tuffet
Availability: In stock
WINTER SALE - Usually 15.99, today just 9.99 - Save £6!
This attractive conifer will provide your garden with that much needed year round colour. The yellow spring foliage gradually matures to orange and bronze as it puts on its autumn show, Golden Tuffet will hold this colour into the winter too.
This Thuja has a rounded habit with dense evergreen foliage and is the perfect addition to rockeries and borders and an added bonus being that it is easy to care for!
Supplied in approx. 2-3 litre containers.
WINTER SALE - Usually 15.99, today just 9.99 - Save £6!
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This Thuja prefers well draining soil in full sun but do protect from cold and drying winds, especially when juvenile.