Thalictrum aquilegifolium Thundercloud

Product ref: P25716

Availability: Out of stock

The magnificent perennial Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Thundercloud' is prized for its soaring, ethereal beauty. In the early to midsummer, this plant produces a cloud of delicate, fluffy purple blooms that rise above its lovely, columbine-like foliage. The gentle blossoms are set against a textured backdrop created by the deeply lobed, fern-like leaves, which have a mellow green colour.

'Thundercloud', which can reach a height of one to one and a half metres, is ideal for bringing vertical interest to borders, woodland gardens, or cottage garden settings. Though it can withstand full sun in colder locations, it likes partial shade and grows best in moist, well-drained soil.

Supplied in approx. 2 litre containers.
