Styrax japonica Pink Chimes

Product ref: SP23172

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 399.99, today just 199.99 - Save £200!


A rare cultivar of the Styrax genus, this is a dense shrub or small tree with narrow ovate pointed leaves that are dark green in nature. It has a deeply fissured brown to orange bark as it matures and along with its sweeping branches it has striking winter appearance. In summer it bears clusters of beautiful soft pink flowers that are bell-shaped and hang in clusters on the underside of the multiple branches . In autumn the leaves turn a stunning red and yellow in colour making this plan an all year round performer.


'Pink Chimes can grow up to seven metres in height and width but will take decades to achieve that size. It readily grows in either partial shade or full sun and is happiest in a rich loamy but also in clay and sandy conditions are also good but avoid chalky soil as this plant prefers a low ph. Styrex likes a sheltered position out of cold winds, plant in a South, East or West setting avoiding Northerly exposed areas. When planting add plenty of organic matter, repeat this treatment by adding as a mulch every spring. Water thoroughly in the trees first year to make sure its root system establishes using a square planting hole also helps promote this, happy roots is a happy plant.


Styrex is great plant in a mixed tree and shrub border, its multiple features bringing something new to every season. In small gardens us it as a centre piece with underplanting. For those of you who like this tree but have a chalk soil try growing this tree in a large container.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 399.99, today just 199.99 - Save £200!

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