Stephanandra incisa crispa

Product ref: S15422

Availability: In stock

WINTER SALE - Usually 9.95, today just 5.95 - Save £4!


This demure Japanese and Korean shrub has a simple elegance all season, with a colourful flourish in autumn when the foliage turns yellow and soft orange shades before falling.


The basic species is a dense arching shrub, with slender warm brown stems which zigzag noticeably. The variety 'Crispa' condenses this habit into dwarf mounds of crinkled foliage, studded in summer with crowded clusters of tiny greenish-white flowers.

It is an easy-going shrub for most soils and positions, and makes excellent ground cover near trees.


Supplied in approx 2 litre containers.


WINTER SALE - Usually 9.95, today just 5.95 - Save £4!

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