Squash 'Early Yellow Bush Scallop'

Product ref: VEG26752

Availability: Out of stock

Known by most as Patty Pan, the summer squash variety 'Early Yellow Bush Scallop' is a delightful and productive one that stands out for its bright yellow colour and scalloped edges. These little round squash are ideal for stuffing, grilling, sautéing, and adding to salads because of their mild, sweet flavour and tender texture. This is a bush-type plant that grows very well in containers and small garden spaces.

Plant in rich, well-drained soil that receives full sun. Water the soil frequently to maintain an even moisture level, and mulch to keep moisture in the soil and keep weeds out. For the best flavour and texture, harvest the squash when it is still young and tender, about 5-7cm in diameter. Pick the fruits frequently to promote ongoing growth.