Skimmia japonica Rubesta-Rubella - XXL Specimen Plants

Product ref: SP25202

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 79.99, today just 49.99 - Save £30!


Skimmia ‘Rubella’ is a stunning evergreen shrub with striking, dark foliage. In late winter red buds start emerging which open up into beautiful, fragrant white flowers in spring. This is a compact, bushy shrub making it ideal for smaller gardens, patios or to incorporate into shrub borders. The evergreen foliage and flower buds add some gorgeous winter interest.


Grow this Skimmia in well-drained loam or sandy soil. It will thrive in partial shade in a sheltered position.


Supplied in approx. 20 litre containers as XXL Specimen Plants.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 79.99, today just 49.99 - Save £30!

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