Sisyrinchium californicum

Product ref: AQ25931

Availability: Out of stock

Yellow-Eyed Grass, or Sisyrinchium californicum, is a pretty perennial that gives gardens a pop of vibrant colour. This little plant, which forms clumps, blooms in late spring or early summer and has star-shaped, bright yellow flowers with distinctly yellow centres. The green, grass-like foliage makes a tidy and lovely ground cover that is ideal for moist garden areas, rock gardens, and borders.


Plant in full sun to partially shaded, well-drained soil. Because Yellow-Eyed Grass prefers damp environments, it can be planted in bog gardens, next to ponds, or alongside streams. In particular during dry spells, water the soil frequently to maintain a constant moisture content. Once established, this low-maintenance plant needs very little attention.


Supplied in approx. 9cm nursery pot.
