Silver Queen Hebe franciscana Variegated - Shrubby Veronica

Product ref: PP10700

Availability: Out of stock

This really is one of the most fantastic small evergreen shrubby Hebe plants available with attractive green and cream foliage, sometimes tinted with pink, and small purple flowers through summer and autumn. Often found in beds and borders, it will also prove an excellent addition to a container, especially in the Autumn and Winter period where it will provide welcome interest in the coldest months. Try in your planters, used on its own for impact, or to add height to a mixed display of other plants.

In garden beds and borders, plant in groups to create more impact. The plants also look excellent underplanting standard trees such as our Salix Flamingo Trees, we like to use three below each tree in a classy looking planter to create added interest.

Bushy plants in approx 1 litre containers, looking lovely with many studded with beautiful blooms in season.

Goes Well With

Special Price £7.99 Regular Price £12.99