Salix gracilistyla 'Mount Aso' - Japanese Pink Pussy Willow - circa 160-180cm
Availability: In stock
WINTER SALE - Usually 39.99, today just 29.99 - Save £10!
Mount Aso Japanese Pink Pussy Willow is a new form of the well known weeping Kilmarnock Pussy Willow, except the downy catkins, known as pussies, are carried on upright stems and are a beautiful soft pink in colour instead of the more usual silver.
These lovely pink catkins appear in late winter and early spring, they clothe the tactile stems making it very temping to stroke the pink pussies that cover them as you pass.
The excitement with the Pink Pussy willow begins when the pussies start to swell in mid to late winter, they will make a wonderfully eye-catching feature. Even when the flowering has finished, the lush foliage has a silvery reverse, so this is a great backdrop throughout the spring and summer to beds and borders for other plants that flower later on. Japanese Pink Pussy Willow was introduced by a cut flower specialist since the stems look particularly impressive when cut and added to seasonal arrangements.
Supplied in approx 5 litre containers, as young trees with a clear stem of around 120cms and a head of branches forming, total height around 160-180cm, full of buds in season.
WINTER SALE - Usually 39.99, today just 29.99 - Save £10!
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