Rose Peach Avalanche - Hybrid Tea Rose

Product ref: BR26574

Availability: Out of stock


A beautiful hybrid tea rose, Rose 'Peach Avalanche' is named for its soft peach-coloured flowers that are full of charm and beauty. This rose type is perfect for both outdoor displays and magnificent floral arrangements because of its broad, full petals that open to produce a soft, alluring aroma. From early summer to late October, there is a continuous display of delicate colour thanks to the blossoms.

Peach Avalanche thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, which is why rose beds and borders are the ideal places for it to be admired for all of its splendour. The secret to keeping it healthy and improving its flower display is regular watering and feeding with a high-potash fertiliser. Late winter is the best time to prune to promote healthy growth. 


Supplied as Strong Bare Root plants, ready to go straight out in the garden and bloom.