Rhododendron Hybride Vollblut

Product ref: S26505

Availability: Out of stock

Rhododendron 'Vollblut,' which means "Full Blood" in German, is a remarkable hybrid that stands out in the yard thanks to its vivid red blossoms that are deep and dramatic. This cultivar offers a striking display of brightly coloured blossoms in mid-spring that contrast wonderfully with its glossy, dark green evergreen leaves.

'Vollblut' is suitable for a range of garden settings, including woodland gardens, mixed borders, or as a freestanding specimen. It normally reaches a height and spread of about 1.5 metres. It is especially attractive in residential gardens where there may be limited area but a desire for visual impact due to its compact habit and exquisite flower display.

Supplied as large bushy plants in approx 5 litre containers.
