Primula Silver Laced Purple

Product ref: DEAL16033

Availability: Out of stock

A colour break in hardy perennial Primulas, this is new take on the much loved old 'Gold Lace' varieties, retaining plenty of charm, but with a twist over old varieties displaying silvery white lacing to purple petals. These will be the perfect plants to brighten up the garden at the front of the border or in patio planters early in the year, a true perennial form of primula, they are tough and robust, providing more and more flowers every year.

The Victorians thought Primulas and Primrose flowers were so beautiful they used to sit them on stages draped with black fabric and place frames around them to view them without distraction. Producing masses of flowers on short stout stems, these are best appreciated in small groups at the edge of flowerbeds or in pots.

Really something special, and full of old world charm every flower is the perfect purple-pink colour with bright silvery edging.

Supplied in approx 9cm pots, full of buds and flowers in season.
