Potentilla atrosanguinea Scarlet Starlit

Product ref: P23554

Availability: Out of stock

Potentillas, or Cinquefoils, are a staple of UK horticulture and ‘Scarlet Starlit’ is no exception. This compact, clump-forming perennial has gorgeous toothed leaves covered in silky hairs which provide a great contrast for the bright scarlet, saucer shaped blossoms. Loved for its long flowering season all the way through summer this plant is versatile and easy to care for. We recommend planting this at the front of a border or in a small pot.

‘Scarlet Starlit’ performs best in full sun or light shade and should be planted in moist but well-drained soil. It is relatively hardy and so is commonly found in coastal gardens too.

Supplied in approx. 1 litre containers.
