Phlox subulata 'Coral Eyes'

Product ref: P25721

Availability: Out of stock

The captivating ground cover perennial Phlox subulata 'Coral Eyes' is well-known for its eye-catching coral-pink flower show, including a deep pink centre. This creeping phlox type blooms copiously in the spring, covering the garden floor in colour and giving bees and butterflies a source of honey early in the season. The plant's dense, needle-like evergreen foliage, which adds texture and greenery to the landscape even when it isn't in bloom, supports a mat of blooms that are appealing all year round.

With a modest height of 10 to 15 cm and an extensive spread of up to 50 cm, "Coral Eyes" is perfect for borders, rock gardens, and walks where it can gracefully flow over boundaries. Plant it in either full sun or light shade.

