Philadelphus Lemoinei - Mock Orange Blossom

Product ref: S21951

Availability: In stock

WINTER SALE - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!


This is the much sought after Lemoinei variety of Philadelphus, with abundant profuse clusters of attractive flowers.

In June and July this lovely mock orange is smothered with highly fragrant, single, cup-shaped flowers.

The delicate, orange-blossom fragrance floats on the breeze on warm summer evenings.

This compact variety produces abundant, gorgeous, bridal-white flowers set off perfectly by oval, deep green leaves. This is an essential, low-maintenance shrub for a sunny mixed border, and it can also cope with poor soil, urban pollution and salt-laden air.

Supplied in approx. 3 litre containers.


WINTER SALE - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!

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