PAIR of Hardy Evergreen Photinia PINK MARBLE Standard Topiary Trees - 100-120cm

Product ref: DEAL76313

Availability: In stock

Why not try a pair of these fantastic new Photinia in your garden?

They are excellent for flanking a set of steps, a doorway or even paraded lining a path.

'Pink Marble' has been around a few years, but it is a relatively new to the UK, and these are some of the first standard topiary forms available.

One of our recommended plants, these evergreen Photinia are attractive all year round and lend themselves perfectly to planting in well-drained terracotta pots or classy zinc containers in full sun, or partial shade.

The glossy foliage, tinted purple-pink-red and edged with splashes of cream in Autumn and winter, with bright pink-red new growth for the rest of the year, provides fantastic foliage colour, interest and structure.

There is no other Photinia like it, which is sure to make it a winner for those gardeners seeking something a little different from the regular Red Robin variety.

Thought to be a sport of the ever popular, and top selling Photinia x fraseri Red Robin, the foliage of Pink Marble is extraordinary.

Displaying three colours, this Photinia has very special variegated foliage displaying green, cream, pink and young red shoots at the same time.

Evergreen Photinias are always very popular, and these standard trees are so versatile - be it on the patio or around the garden itself.

They will grow well in all free draining soils, are fully hardy, even in the coldest of locations, and need no special care - they are easy to grow.

Being evergreen, they are highly ornamental over a long period and will surprise everyone with their fabulous foliage colourations, the new growth reminds us of a good quality Rose wine!

Supplied as super strong container grown plants, with a 'lollipop' head of foliage on top of a clear stem, with an overall height of around 100-120cms.

We of course always select closely matching specimens when we ship out as a pair!

You'll think of many different positions in which to try these fantastic 'Pink Marble' Photinia trees.

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