Auricula - Primula pubescens Auricula

Product ref: P10101

Availability: Out of stock

The evergreen Auricula is a very hardy and reliable plant and one of the most adaptable and useful primula's there is, from amongst the evergreen rosettes of pale green or grey-green leaves, upright stems emerge in spring topped by interesting looking flowers in a mixture of red, gold and blue shades.

These hardy garden auriculas are perfect for the front of a mixed, herbaceous or cottage-garden border where they are happiest in reliably moist, humus-rich, soil. They also make excellent additions to a potted display, especially when underplanted with spring flowering bulbs.

Auriculas are one of those rarities, which are simply nice to have around. Supplied in approx 1 litre containers with plenty of buds and flowers in spring.
