Hemerocallis ''Frans Hals'' - Daylily

Product ref: P10063

Availability: In stock

An unusual daylily, free flowering and a good grower, it makes a colourful border addition. With a striking combination of orange-red and yellow, not seen in other varieties, the bi-coloured flowers appear continuously in midsummer. Each flower has three orange-red outer petals and three golden yellow ones.

This plant looks fabulous planted in drifts in a sunny mixed or herbaceous border among 'hot' colours, or with cannas and crocosmia as companions. It's also good to make a statement dotted in with purples and blues.

The bright green leaves are evergreen in mild areas, and form large clumps of strap-like foliage that helps to suppress weeds. Like most daylilies, this is a robust and easy to grow plant, supplied in approx 1 litre containers.

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