Oenothera versicolour - Evening Primrose

Product ref: P23652

Availability: Out of stock

This is a stunning perennial with interesting foliage and exotic looking flowers. The flowers appear in the summer on top of deep red stems; they are produced in clusters of fragrant glowing golden-orange which mature into orange-red shades. It grows up to a metre tall and half a metre wide, making it an excellent addition to shrub and herbaceous borders or simply as a beautiful plant to grow on its own.

Place this plant in full sun or partial shade in a sheltered in well-drained soil for best results; it is drought resistant once established, and although can sometimes be short-lived, it will freely seed around and provide you with more baby plants the following spring to repeat the spectacle if they mother plant doesn't make it through the winter.

Supplied in approx 2 litre containers.
