Monarda didyma Balmy Rose - Bee Balm

Product ref: P24658

Availability: Out of stock

A delightful perennial that gives your garden a burst of colour and fragrance is Monarda didyma 'Balmy Rose'. This small variety, sometimes called Bee Balm, blooms from midsummer to early autumn, producing vivid rose-pink flowers with unusually shaggy petals. The flowers are an excellent option for pollinator-friendly gardens because they are not only visually stunning but also very alluring to bees and butterflies.


Balmy Rose grows best in moist, well-drained soil and can tolerate light shade or full sun. Because of its exceptional resistance to mildew, it requires less maintenance than some other Monarda varieties. This plant's fragrant foliage adds an additional level of sensory appeal, making it ideal for borders, cottage gardens, and containers. Deadheading frequently will promote more


Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers. One of the very best Monarda plants.

More Info

The primary intended use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption.

There are thousands of different plant species that can be consumed, and our extensive range is no exception. We have conveniently listed a large number of edible plants here. Additionally, we have compiled several articles and handy recipes for some of the plants you are less likely to find in supermarkets.

We always recommend conducting your own research before consuming any plant to understand the various ways different varieties can be prepared and consumed. Be mindful of potential allergies when trying anything new and ensure it is suitable for all who may be consuming it.

Some plants or varieties can also be cultivated as animal feed for livestock, such as poultry, game, and livestock reared for consumption. Again, we advise doing your own research to select the most appropriate plants for your livestock.

Please note that this plant is sold with VAT charged at 0%. If you are a VAT-registered business, ensure this is properly included in your VAT return.