Mahonia wagneri 'Pinnacle'

Product ref: S21191

Availability: Out of stock

A handsome evergreen shrub with an upright habit and beautiful glossy leaves that begin life with a bronze sheen.

The Mahonia brings early spring colour to the garden when many plants are still to get going and these bright yellow dense clusters of flowers will last into early summer. Blue black fruits will follow the flowers giving this shrub real seasonal quality.

This Mahonia is another hardy soul which can take an array of soils and aspects. Avoid soils that waterlog or if the soil is very heavy mix in plenty of horticultural grit and compost when planting.

This is a great shrub for planting in areas that are in partial shade from the crown of a deciduous tree and looks great if planted in drifts. Supplied in approx 5 litre containers.
