Lupin Gallery Rose - Pink Lupin

Product ref: P20012

Availability: In stock

WINTER SALE - Usually 7.99, today just 5.99 - Save £2!


Lupins are renowned for their exquisite spires blooms, and in this instance, they are a stunning shade of Pink.

Gallery Lupins have compact growth that makes it great for smaller spaces or as a border plant in bigger landscapes. They are the perfect choice for adding soft, pastel pink tones to a garden border. Being one of the shorter lupins, they'll usually attain a height of around 60cm in full bloom, making them and excellent selection for the middle of a garden border, adding a touch of classic cottage garden style. Supplied in approx 1 litre containers.


WINTER SALE - Usually 7.99, today just 5.99 - Save £2!

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