Lilium Trumpet Mixed - Pack of Four

Product ref: BR26473

Availability: Out of stock

The gorgeous trumpet-shaped lilies of Lilium 'Trumpet Mixed' are prized for their enormous, fragrant blooms, which are available in a range of colours, including white, yellow, pink, and orange. If you want to add some bright colours and lovely aromas to your yard, this four-plant set of bare roots is ideal. These lilies bloom from mid- to late-summer, offering a stunning floral show. They are perfect for borders, dramatic container displays, or as lovely cut flowers. Plant Lilium 'Trumpet Mixed' bulbs in a spot that receives full sun to partial shade for optimal growth. Rich, well-drained soil is preferred by these lilies. When planting, adding organic compost to the soil will increase its drainage and fertility, which will support healthier growth.
