Pair of Giant Skyscraper Towering Tree-like Oriental Lily Bulbs - Conca d'or

Product ref: BR26455

Availability: In stock

Giant Skyscraper Towering Tree-like Oriental Lily - Conca d'or

One of the tallest, most striking Lily varieties available - reaches up to 5ft tall!

Hardy and easy to grow - blooms outdoors every summer, or year round indoors in pots.

Large, fragrant blooms have white petals with warm, yellow centers and maroon speckles

Attractive to butterflies, it will grow well in full sun or partial shade

A distinctively striking Oriental Lily with trumpet-shaped, enormous flowers that release a delicate, sweet scent. This beautiful, highly scented variety will grow to approximately 1.5m high once fully established. A real showstopper for your garden, Oriental Lily Conca d'or blooms have white petals with warm, yellow centers and maroon speckles. Their warmth and fragrance will permeate your garden.

The huge, 25cm (9 inch) flowers open in summer atop the tall stems. Blooming later in the season than most other lilies, this exotic beauty is truly spectacular in colour and size. Conca d'or is great for adding perennial zing to your beds and border, leave the bulbs in the ground undisturbed for even more flowers the following year.

Demand and interest in Oriental Lilies has grown dramatically in recent years - they're loved by florists for summer bouquets and bridal centerpieces.


Supplied as a pack of 2 chunky bulbs, ready to plant.

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