Lilium Acapulco - Pack of Two

Product ref: BR26444

Availability: In stock

Beautiful lily variation Lilium 'Acapulco' is prized for its rich pink, nearly magenta flowers that are sure to turn heads in any garden. Large, fragrant flowers are produced by these two bare root plants, which can give beds, borders, and large containers a hint of sophistication and exotic appeal. Depth and contrast are added to the blooms by the vividly vibrant petals, which frequently have a little lighter colour towards the edges.

Plant the bare root bulbs in a location that receives full sun to partial shade if you want to successfully develop Lilium 'Acapulco'. Rich, well-drained soil that is kept at a moderate moisture level is ideal for them. Staking is beneficial for lilies because it supports their tall stems and huge bloom heads, especially in windy areas. 

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