Laburnum x watereri Vossii - Voss- Large Specimen- 6-7ft

Product ref: T26337

Availability: Out of stock

Called the Golden Chain Tree, Laburnum x watereri 'Vossii' is famed for its breathtaking displays of drooping yellow flower clusters. Because of its profusion of vivid, pea-like blooms that gracefully dangle in long racemes up to 60 cm in length from late spring to early summer, this hybrid type of laburnum is regarded as the best. The colourful blossoms create a striking contrast with the dark green, clover-like foliage of the tree. 'Vossii', which typically reaches a height of 8 metres, is ideal for small gardens or for establishing focus points in more expansive landscape designs.

This tree needs well-drained soil and may grow in either full sun or light shade. Although it requires little upkeep, it needs to be carefully clipped to keep its shape and get rid of any troublesome branches. 
