Iris Dwarf Pixie - Pack of 15

Product ref: BR801030

Availability: Out of stock

These amazing dwarf Irises will give your garden gorgeous Spring colour and add structure to any bed or border. ‘Pixie’ blooms in late Winter and early Spring, displaying a profusion of vibrant, dark violet flowers which are adorned with white and yellow striped markings down the petal’s centre. Its slender grass-like foliage appears in early Spring with the grey-green leaves rising to the same level as the flowers, before they then disappear in late Spring as the plant goes dormant. The bulbs will produce between 1 and 2 flowers each, filling your Spring garden with a delicate and sweet fragrance. These bulbs are best planted in groups and alongside other Spring bulbs to create a brighter hit of colour. 


These Irises will establish in moist or well-draining soil, growing in all soil types but not suited to acidic areas. ‘Pixie’ should be planted in an area with access to long hours of sun, growing best in full sun and are hardy so can thrive in exposed or sheltered gardens. They also thrive when pot grown in patio displays.

Supplied as pack of 15 bulbs.

