Hydrangea quercifolia Ruby Slippers - Oakleaf Hydrangea

Product ref: S22134

Availability: In stock

WINTER SALE - Usually 16.97, today just 9.97 - Save £7!


This Ruby Slippers Oak Leaf Hydrangea originates in the USA and has been singled out for its flowerheads over compact, well-rounded plants. They grow into particularly showy shrubs that will even perform well in relatively small spaces, providing great garden value as they bloom for several months from midsummer.

Flowers are quite unique with Ruby Slippers in that they emerge as a pure white colour, then quickly shade pale pink before deepening to a 'ruby' colour - hence this Hydrangeas name.

When not in bloom, this also looks really good with unique Oak-leaf shaped foliage providing structural interest. Leaves are usually a lovely green colour, however, in Autumn, the foliage will take on brilliant autumnal hues, making an extra dazzling display prior to leaf fall at the end of the season. 

Plant in any moist but well-drained soil in partial shade. It can withstand sunnier spots in the garden so long as the soil remains moist. Prefers sheltered areas away from cold winds.

Supplied in approx 1 litre containers.


WINTER SALE - Usually 16.97, today just 9.97 - Save £7!

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