Hydrangea Merveille Sanguinea

Product ref: S24588

Availability: Out of stock

This is a really popular older variety with distinctive red and maroon tinted foliage which complements the eye catching colours of the flowers – opening brilliant red and ageing to red-violet often giving the impression of different coloured flowers on the same plant (on Alkaline soils the flowers will be more red, on acidic soils more violet). Whatever your soil, this is a lovely combination of flowers and foliage on a strong plant that will make 150cm tall and wide when mature. A useful addition to a shrub border or even as an eye catching deciduous hedge.

Hydrangea Merveille Sanguine is easy to grow in sun or partial shade, they prefer a rich moisture retaining soil that doesnt dry out too much in Summer, thinnner and lighter soils would benefit from a good amount of organic matter being well mixed in the hole at planting time and these glorious shrubs enjoy a good mulch being applied during Spring to get the best from them, this is especially the case for younger plants. Prune the old flower heads off in spring, reducing the plants back to a strong bud and removing any weak or crossing stems.

Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.
