Hydrangea macrophylla Gertrude Glahn

Product ref: S24931

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 14.99, today just 6.99 - Save £8!


This is a stunning addition to any garden. This cultivar has particularly large, rounded flower heads of a deep, rich pink that gives a bold, elegant, and outstanding colour statement. The combination of large, rich pink flowerheads on long, graceful stems makes for an attractive display from early to midsummer. 

'Gertrude Glahn' prefers partial shade, where its colours shine the most. Perfect for borders, accents, or a lovely feature in a container, this hydrangea is ideal for mixing with other perennials in the shade garden, like ferns and hostas, to help create a serene and attractive space. Plant in a moist, well-drained soil environment and water regularly, paying more attention to occasional dry spells for proper growth and flowering. 

Supplied in approx. 2 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 14.99, today just 6.99 - Save £8!

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