Hydrangea macrophylla Elbtal - Large Flowered Mophead Hydrangea - XXL Plants

Product ref: SP21380

Availability: In stock

Wow! These plants are monsters and can be expected to throw out up to 30 strong flower heads during their first flowering season in your garden. It has massive blooms and is a wonderful Hydrangea variety with flowers often found in high-class florist bouquets.

Cut to near ground level over winter each year, and they will then throw up masses of strong new stems and big blooms each summer. Our plants are very strong and ready to grow away with vigour.

Hydrangeas put on good amounts of healthy growth each year and quickly establish, and produce massive, bright flower clusters even when planted in a dull, shady spot. You can also use them as cut or dried flowers too.

Supplied in approx. 5 litre containers.

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