Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Flying Saucer

Product ref: S24890

Availability: In stock

Known as the Climbing Hydrangea, 'Flying Saucer' is a fantastic selection cultivar, renowned for its unusual horizontal growth and exquisite flower displays. Enormous, creamy white lace-cap blooms with a flat shape cover the vines in summer, appearing in enormous quantities from late spring to early summer. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the blooms attract pollinators like butterflies and bees.


Because "Flying Saucer" has aerial rootlets that enable it to adhere firmly without additional support, it's a great option for covering walls, fences, and other vertical surfaces. Under ideal circumstances, it can reach a height of 10 to 15 metres and thrive in both full sun and moderate shade. 


Supplied growing in approx 2-3 litre containers.

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