Huge XXL Hebe addenda Donna Brita

Product ref: S24667

Availability: Out of stock

Wow! Now here's something for instant impact! A large XXL Specimen Hebe Plant full of Buds and Blooms, that will immediately impress where evere you choose to plant it - in the garden or perhaps a roomy patio container.

Hebe Donna Brita is a wonderful evergreen, bushy shrub which grows to a height of around 60–80cm (2-3ft) and has wonderfully glossy green, broadly spear-shaped foliage. In summer through Autumn, large spikes of royal blue flowers are carried all over the plant creating a stunning appearance, they will often even carry on in to winter in milder locations.


Supplied as XXL large plants in approx 10 litres containers, full of buds and blooms in season.
