Helleborus Collection -18 Winter Blooming Hellebore Plants

Product ref: DEAL20582

Availability: Out of stock

Hellebores are easy to grow plants that thrive in partial or even full shade. They make excellent plants to use around the base of shrubs and trees to provide valuable and intriguing winter interest with their diverse variety of flower colours and forms. The good thing about these plants is that they will be coming in to bloom when conditions can be at their bleakest!

Generally starting as early as December, they'll bloom all the way through to Spring, even in the hardest conditions of January and February, when you may expect to see them pushing up their flowers through snow!

This collection has been specially selected to give you a lucky dip selection of plants, selected at random from the following varieties:

The oriental Hellebore starts blooming in February and continues in to Spring, with a wide colour range and even double flowering kinds appearing, they're a diverse group and look stunning when in full bloom when little else is flowering.

Purple Marble
Compact, clump-forming, evergreen perennial with cream-marbled, blue-green leaves and clusters of nodding, bowl-shaped, purple-flushed, pale-green from mid-winter to mid-spring. An enchanting plant, it can be admired at close range indoors as a pot plant in a cool room during winter or grown out of doors.

argutifolius - Corsican Hellebore
One of our favourite Hellebores, argutifolius has sturdy-stemmed clusters of cup-shaped, pendent greenish-white flowers held above a handsomely foliated, evergreen plant. The leathery leaves are deep green and have roughly serrated edges. A very popular hellebore thanks to its tough constitution, the Corsican Hellebore will make a real statement in a mix planting of other plants and shrubs, or can even be displayed on its own thanks to the architectural nature of the plant itself.

Silver Lace
Hellebore 'Silver Lace' is a sturdy plant, with clusters of apple-green flowers that appear in late winter and early spring. This terrific selection has leathery evergreen foliage of pewter-silver, overlaid with a network of green veins. Perfect in a woodland setting or shrubbery for ground cover with partial shade, or a brighter aspect too.

Green Marble
A very beautiful evergreen hellebore, with elegant cream-green cup shaped flowers, flushed pinkish-purple, that are borne in clusters, displayed against attractive foliage that is marbled white. These Hellebore plants make an unusual charming perennial for your beds and borders.

Purple-tinted, creamy-green, bowl-shaped flowers from February to April and pinkish-purple leaves. These beautiful hellebores look great planted in groups towards the front of a mixed border in sun or partial shade. One of the most eye-catching varieties of hellebore.

niger - White Hellebore
Helleborus niger, also known as the Christmas Rose because it starts blooming in winter around the festive period is treasured for its pure white flowers with golden stamens that act as beacons of light in the garden during what are often the coldest months of the year. They'll even shrug off ice and snow, yet often continue blooming in to April with petals occasionally flushing pink.

As you can see, this special collection includes the rarer and highly sought varieties that are often very hard to find or expensive. We have limited quantities, so please be sure to order your collection quickly. Hellebores have robust leathery leaves, and produce the flowers from midwinter to mid-spring

Pack of 18 Hellebores, lovely, highly sought plants, this is a great value way to start a collection. Supplied in approx 9cm pots, our lovely plants will be bursting in to bloom on delivery in season. 

Perfect for adding brightness and garden interest when little else is showing colour, plant these now to guarantee the beautiful flowers every winter.
Available Whilst stocks last!!
