Halimium commutatum 'April Sun' - Sun Rose

Product ref: S24675-1

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 19.97, today just 5.97 - Save £14!


Noted for its beauty as well as its bushy habit, this ‘April Sun’ Halimium plant (also known as dwarf Rockrose to some) is sure to catch the eye. Boasting masses of beautiful bright sunny flowers that unfurl as the warmth of Spring arrives, often in April, but this year in May, it is truly a sight to behold, as these quite literally cover the entire plant - not just now, but right through summer in to late August.

The sunny blooms almost have a tropical quality to them, it will certainly make a statement and grab anyones attention. Plant well-draining soil in bright sunny spot or it will also work beautifully featured in a planter on your patio as well as in garden borders. Improve your soil with Acid Loving plant compost and keep moist whilst your new plant gets established.

Fully hardy and easy to grow, Halimium will remain compact and neat in the garden forming a bush around 50-60cms tall and wider over around five years.

Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers, these are wonderful bushy plants, full of bud and blooms in season.

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 19.97, today just 5.97 - Save £14!


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