Moon Cactus Collection - THREE different Cacti Colours

Product ref: H90207

Availability: Out of stock

A wonderful gift idea or simply as a present to yourself, these bright colourful cacti (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) have a really unusual appearance and will look good all year round.

Easy to grow and very forgiving, they'll brighten up window ledges, coffee tables or desks.

These cactus plants are rather curious with a main green stem, topped off with a colourful cap, the cap will increase in size and grow over time, whilst the green stem will remain the same size.

These very unusual and decorative easy care plants for the home would look stunning virtually anywhere, bright and trendy plants that will be loved by young or old alike.

For a really unusual look, when not try then added to a patio planter or window box in summer. Water sparingly when the compost dries out and provide an occaional liquid feed in summer to keep the colours looking their best.

In summer, they may even produce some pink-white flowers!

Pack of THREE Moon Cacti plants in different colours, each with an overall height of approx. 15-20cm, ready to position and enjoy.
In Approx 5.5cm pots
