Geranium himalayense Gravetye - Cranesbill

Product ref: P16069

Availability: Out of stock

Geranium himalayense is one of the best hardy herbaceous perennial geraniums for violet-blue, saucer shaped flowers. These blooms have a red-tinged white centre and are up to 7cm diametre, appearing in early summer above fern like veined mid-green leaves.

Gravetye is an exquisite form, with its main flush of flowers in early to midsummer, followed by continued blooming intermittently into the autumn. It makes a very pretty groundcover plant and will even thrive in some shade. Himalayense is a Cranesbill that will look lovely weaving in and out of the front of a mixed border. The plant rapidly forms a dense carpet of foliage, valuable for suppressing weeds. Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.
