Pernettya mucronata Royal Red - Evergreen Prickly Heath Gaultheria

Product ref: S20319

Availability: In stock

Pernettya's are compact hardy evergreen shrubs with attractive small leaves. Their common name prickly heath suggests they may be thorny, but they are not.

The most notable feature is their berries, in the case of this variety displayed in shades of bright red. These literally smother the entire plant, like sparkling jewels nestled throughout the foliage and make Pernettya plants ideal for mixing with other evergreens in seasonal planters.

This hardy, evergreen shrub which bears small, pinkish-white, bell-shaped flowers between May and June. These are produced above glossy, light to mid- green leaves which take on an attractive bronze tint in the winter. The flowers are followed by beautiful fruits which help to provide colour and interest well into autumn, winter and even the following spring. Pernettya grows well in any good soil with plenty of organic matter and compost mixed in.

Supplied in approx. 1 litre containers, full of berry in season.

Please note, due to the exceptionally cold weather recently (-11c here) these usually evergreen plants have defoliated. They are however healthy and will releaf in Spring. Once planted in the ground without the root ball exposed to the harsh temperatures they are far more likely to retain winter foliage in future years should we have any similar severe icy blasts for an extended period of time.

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