Cistus Shrubs - Rock Rose

Introducing Cistus shrubs, the versatile and stunning addition to any garden. These beautiful shrubs are known for their large, showy flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white. With their attractive foliage and tough nature, Cistus shrubs make a great choice for any gardener looking to add colour and interest to their outdoor space.

Ideal for Mediterranean-style gardens, rock gardens, and mixed borders, Cistus thrive in well-drained soil and full sun. They are also great for coastal gardens, as they are salt tolerant and can withstand strong winds. When it comes to companion plants, Cistus pair well with other drought-resistant and sun-loving plants, such as Lavender, Rosemary, and Santolina.

Some of the most popular cultivars of Cistus Shrubs include "Sunset," "Luskentyre," and "Snow Storm." They are also commonly known as Rock Rose, Sun Rose, and Judas's Staff. Whether you're looking to add some wow factor to your garden, or simply want a low-maintenance and hardy shrub, Cistus are the perfect choice. Shop our selection today and discover the beauty of these amazing plants for yourself!

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