Imperial Tree Dahlia - Dahlia Imperialis Pink Flash - Majestic 2m Skyscraper Dahlias!

Product ref: P21887

Availability: Out of stock

If looming sunflowers are not to your taste, why not consider growing the world's tallest Dahlia this summer?

Our clever Horticulturalists have created a towering version of the popular flower that can grow up to 8ft tall or more on fertile soils and carry hundreds of flowers.

The Tree Dahlia has been bred from naturally long-stemmed varieties sold in cut flower markets, Pink Flash is the original colour, with more sure to follow over the coming years.

As simple to grow as any other Dahlia, they can even stay outside during winter provided they’re on well drained soil with a good six inch covering of mulch over winter. They’ll then sit dormant in the soil over winter to re-emerge with vigour and masses of flowering stems the following year.

Strong and robust, with stems as thick as a bamboo, nobody had really recognised the concept of a Tree Dahlia before these super-tall natives of Mexico were developed and cultivated.

So simple to grow, we supply them as well established plants in chunky 3 litre containers, well rooted and growing fast, they’re a bit like Jack and the Beanstalk as the growth kicks in, so all a gardener has to do is plant in a fairly sunny spot and watch as they reach for the skies before budding up and producing massive clusters of blooms. In mid-summer our plants could already be a metre tall on delivery, but fear not if they're not that tall on arrival - they'll still reach the heady heights of 2 metres this year once planted out.

Dramatic and impressive, they’re fun for all ages to grow, instead of trying to grow the tallest sunflower, now the kids can try to grow the tallest tree Dahlia!

More Info

The primary intended use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption.

There are thousands of different plant species that can be consumed, and our extensive range is no exception. We have conveniently listed a large number of edible plants here. Additionally, we have compiled several articles and handy recipes for some of the plants you are less likely to find in supermarkets.

We always recommend conducting your own research before consuming any plant to understand the various ways different varieties can be prepared and consumed. Be mindful of potential allergies when trying anything new and ensure it is suitable for all who may be consuming it.

Some plants or varieties can also be cultivated as animal feed for livestock, such as poultry, game, and livestock reared for consumption. Again, we advise doing your own research to select the most appropriate plants for your livestock.

Please note that this plant is sold with VAT charged at 0%. If you are a VAT-registered business, ensure this is properly included in your VAT return.