
One of the most loved perennnial foliage plants, the Hosta (Plantain Lilly) helps to fill many shady areas of gardens across the UK. There are so many varieties now produced by breeders that it is hard to have a single favourite plant. Although grown for their stunning lush foliage, Hostas also offer delicate flowers and are more than happy to provide a foil to more showy flowers. From cottage gardens to jungle gardens, there is a Hosta for everyone. Look through our large selection of Hostas for sale, try combining different varieties for real impact.

From the classic 'Francee' with its striking green and white leaves, to the bold 'Sum and Substance' with its enormous golden foliage, there's a Hosta to suit every taste and garden style.

If you are looking for a shade-tolerant, easy care and reliable plant, then the humble Hosta should feature high up your list. They are clump-forming perennials and surprisingly, many varieties also enjoy the sun. As a ground cover, they work very well and near water, they add to the tranquillity of the space

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