Viburnum x burkwoodii - Scented Burkwood Viburnum - LARGE SPECIMEN

Product ref: SP22837

Availability: Out of stock

This wonderful semi evergreen shrub is a great addition of spring colour and fragrance to your garden. From mid to late spring, it produces dense domed clusters of pink buds which bloom into beautiful pink-white flowers with a strong sweet scent. These are then followed by glossy red fruit. The gorgeous dark green foliage is semi-evergreen so may remain all year in mild areas or drop when cold enough and return in spring. Burkwood Viburnum is a variety known for being one of the best scented varieties which work best in a shady border, path, or entrance. 

This versatile variety can thrive in full shade, full sun or partial shade and so can be placed in almost any area. Its high level of hardiness allows it to be placed in exposed or sheltered gardens and it can establish in any soil as long as it is well-drained. 

Supplied in approx 10 litre containers.
