Lonicera periclymenum Serotina - Honeysuckle
Availability: In stock
WINTER SALE - Usually 16.97, today just 7.97 - Save £9!
A classic cottage-garden climber bearing fragrant, tubular, creamy-white flowers, streaked dark-red purple, from July to October. Late Dutch honeysuckle looks lovely scrambling over a wall or fence or growing through a robust tree. A vigorous, late-flowering, deciduous variety it grows best in light shade. Supplied in approx 2 Litre containers, these are perfect to cover fences, walls and trellis with their fragrant flowers all summer long. If covering a large area, use two or three plants per standard sized fence panel for the best coverage.
WINTER SALE - Usually 16.97, today just 7.97 - Save £9!
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