Fuchsia Winston Churchill

Product ref: PP26194

Availability: Out of stock

The striking 'Winston Churchill' fuchsia cultivar is well-known for its flashy and dramatic double blossoms. The blossoms are a striking option for patios, garden pots, and hanging baskets because of the exquisite contrast between the rich purple corollas and deep pink sepals. It is especially well-liked because of its strong growth and extended flowering season, which extends from early summer far into the autumn.

'Winston Churchill' grows best in partial to full shade and needs well-drained, wet soil to be healthy. Watering the plant on a regular basis is essential to its health, especially in dry spells. During the blooming season, feeding with a high-potash fertiliser every few weeks will increase the amount and brilliance of the flowers. Extending the flowering time can also be achieved by regular deadheading.


Supplied in approx. 9cm pot.
