Fragrant Trachelospermum Star of Milano - Blush Pink Blooms over Silvery Foliage

Product ref: C21341

Availability: In stock

What an enchanting combination - soft pink kissed scented flowers, carried in their masses over silvery variegated foliage, something unique and very special when it comes to the world of star jasmin. If you want a vigorous climber that's a change from the norm, than this wonderful variety is for you. 

We're proud to be able to bring this wonderful brand new plant to you exclusively - right now, our plan is to officially launch this unique star jasmin at the Chelsea flower show 2024 - it will surely be in contention for the plant of the year award for the bewitching fragrance alone. There's no need for you to wait however, you can get your hands on one right now! It is of course only available in limtied numbers, so don't expect to find it in all the garden centres or with other mail order suppliers.

Trachelospermum are famed for providing a charming scent and adding a touch of Tuscany in a garden, usually they are white in colouration, this is where Star of Milano defies the norm with its sofft blush flowers.

 Imagine relaxing in your garden through summer, with a few drinks, perhaps on a sun lounger in the sunshine, as if taken to a distant shore, maybe with one or two of our large tropical looking palms dotted around you, and the sweet scent of this star Jasmin on the air. Masses of highly perfumed soft pink flowers with glossy evergreen foliage all year round mean this climber is perfect for covering unsightly areas.

Trachelospermum will climb over fences, trellis, walls, arbours and more. Star Jasmine, or Trachelospermum is an attractive woody, evergreen climber with leaves that turn bronze-red in winter. Highly fragrant, soft pink flowers are produced from mid-late summer. It is best grown against a warm, sunny wall and is an excellent plant for adding a touch of scent and high-rise glamour into courtyards or climbing over fences and garden structures in a sunny spot. Especially lovely in warm sunny borders at the foot of a sheltered south-facing wall, this plant will thrive in well drained soils, and is particularly tolerant of hot summer weather where other climbers may flag.

Supplied in approx 2 litre containers, this really is one of the very best fragrant climbers

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