Fatsia japonica Spiders Web

Product ref: S22009

Availability: In stock

An unusual new variety of Fatsia is primarily grown for its handsome foliage. Fatsia Spider's Web has wonderfully variegated white and medium green foliage, which appears to have been dusted with icing sugar.


Fatsia's are superb evergreens providing interest in shady areas where other plants may struggle to grow. They make a wonderful specimen, particularly when planted near white-flowering plants that complement the leaf variegations. It can also help add light and colour to secluded, shady patio areas. Fully hardy to -18c, Fatsia Spiders Web will add a new dimension to a jungle-style garden as a backdrop to shrub borders or even as a stylish architectural container plant.


Supplied in approx. 1.5 litre container.

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