Euphorbia characias 'Black Pearl' - Spurge

Product ref: P20007

Availability: Out of stock

This Euphorbia is completely unique, fully hardy and will provide garden interest all year round.

It is tolerate of dry, sunny borders and periods of drought once established too. The pants are evergreen with an architectural feel, and offer a long flowering period.

The unusual flowers have a unique appearance, acid yellow-green with a black central 'pearl' in the centre of each fower bract. This black and green effect of course gives rise of to the name of Euphorbia characias 'Black Pearl'. The flowers are loaded with sweet nectar which provides great attraction to garden pollinators as they open in spring, and then hold until the first frosts of winter. Black Pearl Euphorbias will thrive in well drained soils and dry gardens, making them perfect for a Mediterranean-style planting or large patio planter.

Supplied in approx 3 litre containers.
