Echinacea Prima Saffron - Rich Egg yolk shaded Blooms

Product ref: DEAL12468

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 15.97, today just 12.97 - Save £3!


This new coneflower is a show stopper! Topped, starting in summer, with large 10-12cm wide fragrant heads of bright egg-yolk shaded blooms on up to 60cm tall stems if you've rich soil, all over compact foliage. These have a beautiful honey-rose scent.


The lush basal rosette of wide green foliage and dark flower stems serve as a nice foil to the prolific flower display. An excellent plant that will look great in a hot border with other orange, red and yellow flowers. Supplied in 2-3 litre containers covered in buds and flowers in season.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 15.97, today just 12.97 - Save £3!

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